The doctoR53

He did use a poor tire gauge.

ustang. Over a billion curbed

Thankfully Ford is releasing a new safety package for all 2017 Mustangs.

Mustang drivers, obviously.

Must have been a Cars and Coffee near the ramp.

Oh you already can always tell the “I’ve only ever raced on Gran Turismo” guys at track days!

Based off these crash results, the car itself will be bumper to bumper afterward.

You said “sidewalk”, but I think you meant “pedestrian”.

The S2000 that we’ve been dreaming about is also the flying car that we’ve been promised!

I always knew the S2000 was flyer than a G6.

Maybe he went across town to engineer the mid-engine Corvette.

I'm not proud but that sandwich thing makes me hungry.

Not quite my point, but sure.

“Whimsy must be the muse of sport...” Glad they puts Jack Arute onna this one here. What a shovel-full of sport.


Seems legit

959 exhaust can melt steel beams

the caravan definitely needs to be renamed Boaty McBoatface

Probably caused by improperly inflated tires due to the conversion of pounds per square inch to fathoms per furlong or whatever goofy measurement they have over there.

Friend of mine did that to the hood of his old Audi. The result: there was, without fail, a dick drawn on his car at all times.