The doctoR53

Should’ve used this!

All of them, I assume.

makes girls so horny they need an I.v of Gatorade

Pretty sure that’s a....

I probs couldn’t afford it after the fire.

Jalopnik is too ‘mature’ now to do a wheelie.

Not the song I expected an Australian trucker to be listening to. I guess you gotta work work work work.

Change gear, change gear, change gear, check mirror... murder a prostitute. Change gear, change gear, murder.

Labs, the Toyota Camry of dogs

It’s sort of like it’s vomiting itself up.

If you drive slow in the left lane—

Don’t speed when smuggling weed

Yeah we’ve all played Gran Turismo.

Hehe, yup. When we were kids, my friend’s dad had a 5.9RT version, which was the first real ‘performance’ SUV of the day. 250 beastly horsepower and interior by rubber-made — some memories are best left alone I guess. They looked good anyway...

My back hurts for this guy

Everything moves (rattles) in my jeep, never thought of it as a luxury though.

You’re a bumper cover