The doctoR53

No LS disrespect, but an I-6 with a big turbo is how God intended these cars to be.

Normally, I see an LSx under the hood of a car that didn’t come with one and I think “Awww yiss”, but I also feel like a Supra should always have a straight-six under the hood.

Well, this won’t get the “no animals were harmed in production” disclaimer.

I was thinking the dickspin thing from Bruno

Hang in there buddy.

Never go full Brazillian

Now playing

No its a Giant Schnauzer you want if you want a driving dog...

Maybe he didn’t like the tree’s bark.

I’m not scared. If they wanted to blow someone up, they’d have done it by now.

The whistles make the cars go wooooooooooo

that escalated rather quickly didn’t it

If they had made the Chiron a wagon, we wouldn’t have this issue.


Mmmm. Pork chop sandwiches!


Let’s go halfsies on one.