The doctoR53

The only thing that sounds really annoying about that is the frosted tips part. Everything else sounds pretty hot imo

Bro’s will be like......BROOOOOOOO....

Had a girl in the car the other day and a guy pulled up next to us in one of these, looked at us, and then stalled. Go do that to every couple you see

It might just be me, but every single time I see ISS in a headline, my brain just fills it in as ISIS. So to me the headline read something to the effect of “ISIS using Russian Piss for Water.” I had to do a double take, because in no world does that make sense. Then I realized we were talking about the ISS..

i win, next.

We can defeat North Korea with a big line of the free sample people from Sam’s Club!

Let Marty McFly and Doc pump some Van Halen up there!

Now playing

On second thought... who else can do better to demonstrate the South’s material wealth?

“America, Fuck Yeah”

Well, it would have to be Katy Perry - “Firework”, now wouldn’t it?

Jarred just lost his job at subway and uber is always hiring.

Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha... “inhaling” ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha.

I laughed out loud, hard, at this one. Saving me on monday, thank you hero.

No one’s blaming the Camry. The driver? Uh...

I’m an autocrosser, you’re an autocrosser, we should autocross each other’s mothers.