The doctoR53

Just like Forzas secret service reverse escape training.

Yea everyb6 minutes it's on

No trailer tho. Seems epic

Wow. Looks like Disney blew all its money on Star Wars. Pirates of the Caribbean is looking pretty low budget.

No just people from jersey.

This guys already on it.

Welp. Longer than the average mustang...

Seeing as f1 Boston is canned. My friend got 1500 bucks in tickets too...boned

I love Asian culture. Gundam cars Pokemon planes.

I start my car with my left foot and right hand.

I said it would be so easy to do a heist at the mall with scuba gear. Be like the Italian job. But it wasn't Cranston...

Maybe there is a roll of cheese down there. The Saudis do coopers hill more extreme.

I'm laughing extremely hard that my eyes are watering from this.

Why did they all run downhill...

Yes but there will always be that guy drawing a dick on it.

Worth it if your the first to crash it

If my math is right you'll need to pay 33,333 for doing so. But for 1400 will get you an hour.

Hi welcome to the Volkswagen Audi group where le$$ equil$$ more and your family of 4 doesn’t matter.

Cast has problem with the crew- fire the cast