The doctoR53

Is it being sold for 38K because he’s trying to make back the cash from it being on the frame machine so many times?

Its always a f****** Camry...

Omg I saw that. I lold so hard

One step closer.

Ok guys game is called standing of the stallions. Last one to move wins

Is the kitchen Rey’s mother...

you MAY need an alignment...

i did a burnout in a C4 corvette once.

I've never seen anyone happy to blow up their toy. Junk cars in the back woods yes but not a track car

so wet they are dehydrated

He seriously thinks a meme it's true words. How many mustangs has he crashed?

Here is the problem with mustangs.

Yes they were Volkswagen larva. They then grow into a beetle and over 10 years grow into a vanagon

What I was trying to say

Hooray I still couldn't afford that boat

I keep telling myself it's a focus.

I heard race tracks don't have pot holes

Porn has been doing first person for years...

And that word focus.