The doctoR53
Now playing

his father. But you get where this is going.

You wanna woo wooooo?

Damn Daniel... Back again with those white vans

The famous .gif

Zing. That was a Frazier grade pun

The public can't repel power of tbat magnitude b

Brown or bust

Slime time: the movie


I counted 3 product placements.

Disco disco GOOD GOOD

Maybe it will feature a certain gay robot (robot voice)

Rally fighter for the 99%

It was mad max for sailors

Yea i need a hill for mine with the gearing and suspension set up. I've always wanted to take out the rear shock and throw in a piece of metal pipe just to make it more solid to use the bike path behind my house

Should have used a digital tire gauge.

Yea my in laws live in Florida and they always tell me about the love bugs nasty little things.

Ha. Sadly i will not be putting a windshield on my Mountian bike. There was a giant hill to get to our hidden spot for jumps and we would fly by cars going down hill. Speed limit was 30

Milk plus blue

Lol on a pedal bike?