The doctoR53

Never talk while riding a bike downhill at 40mph on a road through the woods. Not only taste bad it hurts.

I'll wash it down with some nice blue milk

Don’t lie its 11.56. You can’t round up horsepower.

It's kinda funny but on long roads it's boring. Normal gps voices always annoy you, this one should just start have him talking about random things, or have voice recognition and respond to you with movie quotes

Have you ever see any movie ever? He's the black guy.

Huh. Always thought it was the v90 motor. Oh well Yamaha is still good. Unless it's a 2ed gen Sho

What if I told you it was a lambo

Volvo v8? Yes please.

Pretty sure that's a lambo.

Just in: brodozer does good while still rolling coal.

Yea they send a friend of mine to it all the time. Our rubys isn't bad at all here. But chillis I can't even tell you how much I hate it. It's sad they share a parent with on the boarder

Is it all still microwaved and taste aweful?

Yea I was changing her tank one time and she pushed open the box and made a run for it. Tried jumping on the curtains and fell 3 feet almost went under the radiator and I had tear my massive bed apart to get her. Other than that she loves hanging out and her head rubbed.

You saying ihave no brain?

Someone played too much battlefield

If it fell from a good distance it could kill someone. Or if a small child gets a hold of it they could choke.