
[jacking off gesture]

Wouldn’t it be easier to just ask the other women in the stream if it was consensual, or not? That would pretty much destroy any semblance of an argument he had (specifically since he claims they were good friends).

Front Mission 1 and 3 would be amazing to see redone.

Somebody hungry for a knuckle sandwich and a bottle of punch?

The spice must flow.


This is pretty rare. Usually in these videos, it’s the MTA fucking the passengers.

Why is this newsworthy? Runs live and die by the strangest bits of happenstance all the time. It’s a little humorous, but this case doesn’t seem especially heartbreaking or surprising.

Totalbiscuit should shut the fuck up. Play the game or shut up.

He had me at “workee”

I still don’t understand how Kickstarter has been able to convince so many consumers that it’s a good deal and that there are benefits to backing a commercial venture as a consumer. Why people are willing to spend money backing an item that may not release for a few years is insane.

Any chance you’re going to read all this and realize how absurd it is?

Joking about violence is bad? Making money selling a game about violence is good?

From everything I have seen about this game, the optimization must be fucking atrocious.

Ok, so now that we’ve solved that one, lets get to a proper crossover battle. Boba Fett vs. Predator. Who comes out on top?

If you’re about to be executed, stall for as long as humanly possible, because you never know when a dragon is going to show up.

I prefer “lolno”

We recently put a car-sized rover on Mars and may of found a cure for AIDs... so I am finding difficulty in generating enough caring about ... I don't know... a guy venting about people checking out their girlfriend in a passive aggressive manner? Not sure if I am more annoyed about the repost, about me reading the