
David, I think you “can’t see the forest for the trees” here. I think that it’s important that lawmakers are recognizing the safety impact of vehicle modifications. Let’s not look a gift horse in the mouth.

I will point out that, oddly enough, I saw my first Carolina Squat in person yesterday when an old Escalade passed me going the other way. My first though was ‘How the hell does he see out of that thing?’

No vehicle for local use should have a leading edge taller than an average kindergartener, and you should be able to see an average kindergartener in a crosswalk when the leading edge of your vehicle is at the stop line.

Does it look dumb? To me, yeah. But that’s why they make chocolate and vanilla— people have different tastes. The concern to me is safety.

10000% this. Dangerous vehicle modifications need to stop. So do modifications that remove emissions control equipment. Coal rolling lifted pickups are so dangerous to other vehicles on the road, pedestrians, and even themselves. A lot of this stuff its already illegal on a state or federal level (safety inspections,

THANK YOU! Lifting trucks is dangerous to other drivers and should be illegal for public roads. If you want a lifted offroader, trailer it.

(plus I hate how I can’t see around them on the road)

People may hate the way this looks, but it’s clearly a safety issue. You are putting way less weight over the front tires than the vehicle was designed for. Handling could be dangerously bad depending on how much rake.