greek dodo

I love this show and have absolutely no idea where it’s going. Are the last two episodes next week?

Got you... is a black person that wasn’t born or raised in the USA I’ve seen where folks divide and/or separate us. Working on the Obama ‘08 campaign we heard that rhetoric first hand. I think it was Magic or Bob Johnson that said that then Senator Obama was not truly an African American and he didn’t have a true

Hilarious. I didn’t vote for him. And your hysterical hyperbole may feel good, but it won’t win elections. The green card omission and not excluding people with dual citizenships was also dumb, but making sure people coming from those seven countries are properly vetted, and mind you this is only for 90 days, is

So he doesn’t do business in failed states or the biggest sponsor of state terrorism? What a terrible business man he is.

So every Muslim on the planet is banned from coming here? Or is it just the seven countries of interest that Obama identified as being problematic.

Brave inmates standing against Obama-elected tyranny. They deserve our support! #MAGA

Prison riots are rare events. They generally occur when the conditions in the prison become very bad. There are a significant number of forces that keep prisoners separate - racial hierarchies, prison hierarchies, no one wants to have their hustles exposed... Prisoners also know that they will pay a high price for the

There are three types of people in this world: Dog people, cat people, and sensible people who see the value in both.

My mom used to run county animal control and most of the pets she’s gotten since then have been from said shelter.

I got my cat from a shelter. He is a good kitty.

Here’s a picture for proof:

Not to be a buzzkill here, but I feel like these dogs played much harder in the good old days when the organizers got them from the kill shelters.

53% of white women. And among them 49% of white college-educated women. And the hundreds of thousands of black voters who turned out for Obama and didn’t turn out for her. But yes, by all means, it is my white male bro-ish fault, I had the audacity to vote for Sanders in the primary and voted for Clinton in the

I got both of my dogs from the local shelter. They have their quirks, but scientifically speaking: they are both good dogs.

Kara Browns an idiot. She personafies the movie “IDIOCRACY”---seriously,read this again,but pretend its the woman broadcaster announcing DONT KNOWS trial. Its uncanny

Who’s crying? Might want to brush up on your reading comprehension skills. You actually believe a Jew didn’t have a chance, after a black president a bunch of racist douchewads believed to be Muslim was elected, and after a woman nearly won the last presidential election (against a rich, white, conservative man, no

“I was voted in as the Democratic Party nominee, rather than Bernie Sanders. The End.”

I voted for Hillary Clinton (and her husband back in 1996) and in November I voted hoping I was voting for the first female president. Instead I’m stuck in a nightmare where every day Cheetolini and his cronies do something horrible (it doesn’t always directly effect me but I know it’s harming someone somewhere). And

My name is Sean (hi Sean) and I was a Bernie supporter, but supported Clinton in the presidential campaign, gave money to support her and gave her my vote and goddamn it if she asked me now I’d kill for her. Or at least but a couple copies of the book.

Milo was an astoundingly bad pick, but Simon and Schuster publishes books from a wide variety of authors, both from the reputable and from the complete scumbags - I doubt the two publishing decisions are related, particularly given that the decisions were made by different imprints. In fact, I’m pretty sure they’ve