
Everyone has the capacity to be racist. Color is one of the first things the mind notices in the visual sequence of cognition. Its also the most emotive.

Really, though ... the Rockettes at the Inauguration? What is this supposed to symbolize again? A vision of what American Women Need to Aspire To? A synchronized patriotic celebration of the Fatherland? That Shiny is Good? Sure, they’re fun and well-trained and ever-s0-slightly tacky and that’s fine for Radio City

I was in South Carolina this week visiting family for the holidays. A truck ran a stop sign and almost hit our car. We honked and yelled WTF, and the truck pulled up next to us, driven by an old guy. He got out and approached my open passenger window and then said, “The last time some bitch honked at me I put a gun to

The Russians literally blew an airliner full of innocent human beings out of the sky a little more than a year ago, and then trolled the entire planet by plainly denying it and moving on while an entire angry western hemisphere stood around with its dick in its hands.

you fucked up and so did the Uber driver, I don’t know what argument you’re trying to make here.

According to CBS, her attorney said that the woman isn’t a “lunatic” or a “racist,” but someone with an “alcohol problem.” Burchard-Risch, meanwhile, had nothing to say, either to Jama or to the court.

“But I just wanted to tell you in front of everybody today that I do forgive you. My religion teaches me to forgive so that I can move on with my life. If I hold a grudge and I hold the hate you hold towards me against you, it’s not going to serve me well. So in front of everybody here, I do forgive you, and I hope

Shouting people get kicked off flights all the time.

You don’t kick babies off flights because they can’t help it. They are absolutely right to kick belligerent and obnoxious passengers off a flight.

Don’t give a shit, fuck that family. Sins of that father and all that...

Fuck her and her three small children.

Melania will be one of the great stars in the administration.

The problem is your refusal/inability to read the word in context. “Whiteness” is clearly not referring to the immutable physical trait in this instance.

Yeah, it’s almost as if you have to think more deeply about what the phrase means instead of taking it at its most literal interpretation. Like a university student.

Is it wrong that it’s hard for me to care about a white guy in Alabama when this happens to African American’s literally all the time and it never ever gets any press coverage??

How do I ever let myself forget how much I love Nicki Minaj?

It’s like all the rest of us, no? That’s why we have a vice president and a speaker of the House and a whole line of people. They can just keep dying.

Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.

Well I am gay, so we are clear on that front.

Professional gamer. R8. First car.