Maromi Madoromi


What ardent fans are there of a brand new show? This isn’t Peter Jackson’s LOTR on Amazon, nor is this Tolkien’s Amazon show. There are ardent fans of the books, or the previous shows, and you should not cater to this audience primarily. You should cater to everyone since that makes the most business sense. Every book

I’ll start by saying a believable pretend mugging should be treated as a real mugging in regards to what a person can do in self defense, at least in terms of the law.

There actually totally isn’t, compared to the number of situations where shooting someone is completely inappropriate. 

Both of these things are true: in the USA, several of those things count as physical assault and you are legally justified in shooting somebody in response; and also, none of them are a moral justification for shooting somebody.

I have zero sympathy for Cook, but from what we know so far it’s unlikely Colie had justification for shooting him. You shouldn’t shoot someone, or even point your gun at them, unless your (or another’s) life is threatened. Since it doesn’t seem like Cook had a weapon, I doubt that happened here. Note that the police

Pretty wild the amount of people who are like “but what if the guy was really harassing him or something” as though that makes attempted murder suddenly acceptable.

There’s a tiny number of acceptable reasons to shoot anyone, so while it’s not outside the realm of possibility it’s pretty unlikely that the prank went to that extreme.

The government passing laws to punish corporations for simply making public statements that fail to sufficiently align with a political party’s religious dogma, is incredibly dangerous, and I’d say a blatant violation of the  Constitution. If Disney is rising to that fight I don’t care what label gets applied to them,

We’re talking about physical vs digital copies of videogames, not board games. That much should be obvious given the context of this article but maybe (hopefully?) you’re just trolling.

Why only Reedy Creek, and not the other more than 1,800 special improvement districts of all shapes and sizes in Florida? Why not, say, the Daytona Beach Racing and Recreational Facilities District?  Maybe they didn’t say something that pissed Ron DeSantis off?

whatever floats your boat

u r wat u simp 4 bby

Have you ever made a single good point on here? I only see you dropping in to vomit snark into the conversation with nary an actual argument to be found. Beat it. Continue painting every liberal with the same brush and pretending you got them all. It’s obviously working.

Better a liberal than a filthy death-deserving tankie.

Congrats on throwing out a truly impressive derail.

Seriously underrated post. This is not about “unchecked corporate power,” it simply maintains a land-use scheme that has been in place for over 50 years and has worked well for both sides — Disney and the public alike — for that entire time. This just means the wife of the state party chair, and a pastor who thinks

It’s not weird to cheer for Disney in this particular case. They were paying for all public services and maintenances in their district and that cost is now going to nearby counties and their taxpayers. DeSantis acted like Disney wasn’t paying taxes in Florida as well which has also been proven false.

The reality of the Reedy Creek Improvement District was that it gave Disney the rights to avoid the permitting process for renovations and new construction, avoid having to bid out projects to justify costs, and they retained the local portion of sales, property, and hotel occupancy taxes, which were almost entirely

That doesn’t make the whining any less centrist. Most business people are capitalists. When they ask for bailouts, they make socialist whines.