Maromi Madoromi

The movie looked fine. Even the screen grab above that’s constantly been shit on since the trailer came out didn’t look near as bad in the theaters for all the shit it got on the internet the last couple of months. People just need to stop being jaded assholes all the time and enjoy things

There was a ton of post production work. Go watch the youtube videos about Mindhunters special effects. I don’t blame you for thinking there wasn’t any. It was THAT good. And very very expensive.

Period shows have a lot of hidden SFX. Every car has to come from the right range of years. Every sign in every window, telephone boxes, you name it.

I’m having one of those “not sure if sarcasm” moments here but, uh, yeah man. just happened to enjoy a film that many people didn’t?

“Society” consists of people who don’t give a shit about the MCU, many of whom go see the movies and either like them fine or don’t. People with strong opinions on the MCU occupy the tails of the bell curve. 

I get it. But also, if the MCU is generating this much box office money, a pop culture website HAS to talk about it. And what click value is there in “MCU continues to make money. Yep. Um.... That’s about it.”?

Narrative film is about storytelling. Fun is relative and not actually necessary. *Engagement* is necessary.

I mean, people love to talk about how bad the Transformers and Fast & Furious movie franchises are (I hard disagree with the latter, but I digress), but those make billions of dollar too. What point are we really trying to make by throwing up box office numbers?

Still nothing to say about the actual numbers, eh?

“You’re clearly not acting in good faith.”

Ahh ok so I take the time to provide you with actual graphs of the things that are happening in the real world and suddenly the CD goddamn C isn’t trustworthy. What are the real numbers, then? What are the odds of me being horribly crippled by Covid? Do you have real numbers or just what you think?

I think the terrible thing is that people learn that the answer to those questions is either “No one knows” or long, complicated and almost certainly involving higher mathematics. Unlike Carl Sagan the average person does not enjoy doing or learning things that are long, complicated and involve higher mathematics.

Nahh, this is absolute bullshit though.

I’m quite puzzled to learn that the editorial changes here are based in part on the editorial view of other literature. It’s the reference to Matilda no longer liking Joseph Conrad that is a little tough for me to parse.

Or the classic description of the Wizard of Oz: “Transported to a surreal landscape, a young girl kills the first person she meets and then teams up with three strangers to kill again”.

While it’s true that Lucas took a lot of ideas from comics, it’s also true that comic book movies take of ideas from George Lucas. His representation of those ideas on film was very influential, even if the ideas weren’t completely original.

Season 4 is uneven, but there are bits of brilliance, like the whole Fakeblock reveal, Tobias’ vanity plate or Annyong’s revenge. But it’s frustrating because of the delayed payoffs that take sometimes four or five episodes.

This portion of every fandom seems like the exact same weird incels to me. Doesn’t matter if it should make no sense.