
actually, given johnny's history with christianity and gospel music, i felt like his lyric change made a lot of sense.

Hank Schrader raped and killed a girl in 1990.

First kiss story corner:

my dad is certainly harold. same undies and everything.

kristen schall is a horse
kristen schall is a horse
look at her dance like a
look at her go like a
look at her dance like a horse

uh, yeah, we have that here too…


Earlier this year KISS opened a brew pub / venue down in San Jose del Cabo, where I was living. "They" "played" a "show" for the grand opening. I think Gene Simmons was there for about 20 minutes. They charged $30 to get in and $8 for a beer. But they opened the main room up to the street, so no one paid, and we just

First, I apologize that I'm going to make an assumption. I'm going to assume that you're not part of an historically oppressed group. But I'm going to do this because i want to say that maybe if you were part of a group that is marginalized / stereotyped and had to deal with it on a daily basis you would see this as a

MF DOOM from the horrible track "Batty Boys" (truthfully, I didn't care for most of Born Like This). He's built this amazing universe across so many albums and identities, and then he has to drop that track, and I feel like I should apologize to everyone to whom I recommended him.

I spent 10th - 11th grade as the hawaiian shirt kid.

I like that I was about a paragraph and a half into this piece when I said to myself "wait a minute, is this Heller?" *scroll back to top* Hell yeah! Jason, thanks for having a distinctive voice, for writing about shit I like, and for transcending what could be seen as a token role of "guy who likes heavy music" on

Christ almighty that was a poorly written article. I know we're on the internet and all, but, seriously…
There's surface level stuff - how will he spell Tuco this time? 
There's inconsistencies - why does Aaron Paul get a last name but Jamie and Adam don't? Do the quotation marks contain an actual quote or imaginary one

I remember in junior high going over to a friend's house, and they had this huge kitchen, and a tv in the basement and the kitchen, and they ordered pizza and had it delivered, and I realized these people had wayyyy more money than my family. Then the next year I went over to another friend's house, and they just had

I think that we need to move to nuclear, and I will be interested to see this movie. The technology has come a long way from the time of chernobyl, but by not building new plants we're not able to take advantage of systems which can recover over 90% of the energy created in the nuclear reactions and new waste systems

Mr. Brown, we have your test results, and I'm sorry, but…
No, sir, I'm afraid you're very ill…
Your symptoms of heat flashes…
Yes, and when walking up stairs…
Yes, well, I'm afraid it's cancer. You need an emergency colostomy.

I certainly hope that listening to that song is "just another memory I'll lose to time." YEAH! USED THEIR LYRICS! TO DISS THEM!
Also, I too would disagree with the conjecture that this is "punk." Whether you believe "punk" to describe a style of music, lyrical content, or personal style, these gentlemen are not punk.

I enjoyed the beat as well as the verses, but I really dislike the chorus. Lyrically and melodically I find it uninspired. Also, must she hit the "t" on different so hard? I was pulled out of the groove every time it happened.

Wow. I feel like the reviewer really missed the mark here. This wasn't a movie about "inadvertent death" at all. I don't know if I have to shout out "spoiler" or what have you, but this, at least to me, is a movie about relationships and what happens when you're single, have already developed an independent identity