
Ashley Phoenix-Claw: "Hey #GameOnSVU I've been sexually assaulted/physically abused so I know how that works... #GamerGate doesn't do that. And hi, I'm a woman."

I can't wait to not watch this movie and to never read this trite, vanilla, sad sack shit of "erotica." However, kudos to the author who made tens of millions. Well done.

Good for Cox but I can't see a show about an incompetent and unethical professional which the starring character would be if she sleeps with her client. See also Suits and that short-lived NBC show about a doctor with multiple personalities.

She and her evidently now ex BF, George, showed up at an adoption event held in April 2014 at a pet store together without any advance warning to return the cats he adopted 2+ years prior. The rescue group holds adoption events at this store, but it is not a shelter. The group accepts returns if the adopter cannot

The speech she (and Ben) made at the Pie-Mary was one of the best feminist moments I think I've ever seen on prime time TV.

Starring for the obvious auto-correct error that made me think, for a brief moment, that your father's vendor friend (an employee of Aramark, maybe?) did a movie with full-frontal peen.

Um. Can you not be raping me with the truth please? It hurts my braingina.

I can't articulate why, but I find that incredibly gross. She's not her mom. Trying to fold her tragedy into her mother's strikes me as very... disrespectful.

The Beatles.

She orders from Papa Johns? God she's gross.

When I click on stories like this and read that paparazzi are involved, I get a sharp twinge of guilt for reading sites like this one that create demand and value around dangerous invasions of privacy.


Elsewhere on the web there appears to be a lot of anger and hate directed at the judge, which seems completely unhinged. He doesn't make the rules, but applys/interprets them. If there isn't a rule to apply/interpret he's left with zero choices.

hee hee :) I have a file FULL of letters and notes and photos and pressed flowers that i've found in books. What started to catch my attention pretty quickly when I started to find and collect these amazing treasures were that the letters were usually written by women and that they all could have been the same woman:

My wife is constantly leaving stuff in books and then forgetting where they are. Money, Post-It notes, receipts-whatever she can stick between the pages of a book, you better believe that she will.

I may be basic as hell but I thought "Fall into the Gap" was great insofar as marketing went. I sang that little song a lot over the years.

I bet a lot of them found jobs in the bush administration.

Quintessential religious black family is what I should have typed. And it's that way because it just is. A lot of black people who make Christianity the center of their world don't pass along much else to their children/family members besides scripture and "pray and wait" as a way to deal with any real life issues.

If I understand right, it sounds like he let his girlfriend take the blame because he was drunk (and would have gotten a DUI) and she was sober. The part I don't understand is: if he was drunk and she was sober, why the hell wasn't she driving in the first place? Who does that?

As a lawyer, for me the best thing to come out of Serial is getting rid of all the fucking damage shows like CSI have done for the common perception of the justice system. There is not semen on everything. There is not DNA in most cases. There is not some little piece of algae that proves a defendant had mojitos with