
I'm an attorney— can't tell you how many resumes I've received where someone had worked at the "Pubic" Defender's office.

Somehow Lucky magazine managed to make Lupita look like Lupita. Are their photographers some sort of wizards?

You must be an anti-dentite.

I have never heard a single one of these guys explain exactly how gay people are ruining America. Or even define how america can be "ruined".

There's nothing better than someone trying to concoct a hypothetical scenario (with no actual basis for it) that could possibly justify shitty racist behavior. Because even if Kamau had been using profane language leading to complaints, that totally makes it ok for the waitress to treat him like a stray dog

What's up with her hair?

We were together about 5.5 years before we got married. Nothing changed really. We already lived together, so that wasn't a transition. And we don't plan to have kids, so there's none of that added... stuff. The only thing that changed was we got nicer pots and pans (since people bought us gifts).

The only thing worse than Sarah's dress were Sarah's gloves.

I love this show so much, but for a show about parenthood, it's full of the world's worst parenting. I'm looking specifically at you, Christina.

I just thought he had the kind of skin that tans well. Seriously.

See, this is what happens when we let gay people get married. It's that slippery slope they all warned us about.

Right? Did he not read the scripts for the show he was on?

She had me at "senior coffee".

HBIC. Always.

This made me laugh as Dr. Phil's old Oprah-given nickname was "Tell-it-like-it-is Phil".

Nicole Richie is an actress?

Why won't Martha ever use punctuation marks?? She knows how to craft a lot of things, but not a coherent sentence.

I love Lorde's hair like that. I wish she'd had her pants hemmed a bit, but she looks like a badass, from head to floor.

Are her eyebrows tattooed on too?

The Entourage guys just don't know how to turn off the douche factor. It's not their fault.