
I love him from back in the Newlyweds days when he and Jessica were moving to a new house, but instead of hiring movers, Nick and Drew moved furniture themselves. While Jessica sunbathed. It made Nick seem normal and awesome.

So I guess Princeton does not teach their students to speak in coherent sentences.

Affleck was good in the role because of his hateability, but I wish they'd cast someone the correct age.

I had this shirt. I miss it.

That's who I thought it was until I read the text above it!

I'm the same age as her. We didn't have chat speak in college, since email was still pretty new. She has no excuse for not being able to construct coherent sentences.

Ha, because having a husband cheating on you is totally the same as personally drugging and raping scores of women. Got it.

I tried to watch The Affair, but after 5 episodes, I was still bored by it. I don't get the nominations for it at all.

The Affair? That show is the worst. Completely boring. I quit after the 5th episode and never once wondered what happened after I quit. I love Dominic West because of The Wire, but this is NOT his best work.

I like him so much more than I should like a person who sings that kind of music.

Which is amazing since it's a much better argument for why men shouldn't be serving since they can't control themselves.

Can someone please post footage of Poochie from The Simpsons?

for two bits, you can get a shave and a haircut. Who needs twine?

If two Ivy League-educated, successful adults are bad role models, my parents should be seriously concerned.

We all can agree that Guy is gonna deep-fry the kale and cover it with donkey sauce, right?

Then she could go ahead and use the dresses she ordered and partially paid for. Everyone has the right to change her mind, but sometimes there are financial consequences. It's up to her whether she can afford to change her mind. But to change her mind and expect the shop to pay for it? Nope.

Maybe apologize specifically to Ms. Tarshis instead of just "anyone who may have been offended".

It's not her fault— her dad was the worrrst. She basically just kept dating her father over and over.

I went to summer camp every year for 8 weeks when I was in school. I'd be so sad not to have had that opportunity. The schedule in England would have ruined that :(

Other than being Katy Perry's boyfriend, is Diplo anyone of note? Seriously, should I know who he is?