Marmotte Desormiers Bourdeau

Here’s hoping!

This seems likely actually.

I thought they had editors doing this stuff for the writers, but I guess not?

Spotted two small typos you’ll want to correct real quick-

I have to agree with him on his point though. Just checking boxes isn’t any more inclusive than not doing it. Token characters tend to be poor representations due to the effect of isolation, to boot, so there’s the risk of doing more harm than good.

As you say though, that just means you have to stop making excuses

For next year’s games, you forget Fire Emblem 2018 is a thing that’s been announced, even though we’ve seen nothing of it still.

Not really an excuse because they do sexualize Kanna’s interactions with Saikawa a lot, but I was pretty sure Kanna is an actual dragon child. I don’t think they ever mention what her dragon age is. I think we only really know Tohru, actually, who’s some 300 something years old.

I got Bride Mario

Do we have any new stats on Fire Emblem Heroes’ revenues? ‘Cause that game has been charting high and it’s likely been doing tons of money as well.

Huh, you are correct. I just sped over that one. Thabks for pointing it out.

You have your numbers wrong. Their sales estimate went from 10 to 14 million, yes, but ‘only’ about 7.5 million consoles have been sold, whereas you proclaimed 13.5 million.

It’s easy. I give you a postal code. You send them all to me.

You’ll never have to see them again.

Damn it, a lot of what made the anime so special was all the animation tricks mad house pulled. Should have known better than to think Mad House would work on a sequel any time soon. They seem allergic to sexond seasons. JC id alright, but they’re not known for the fluid animation Mad House is known for.

You should look up pokémon draft leagues. The whole gimmick is making it look like a national sports league, including the various logos (and spoofs) people come up with.

I think the assumption was that the game would sell well regardless, and I’m not sure they’re wrong about that. But it’s definitely going to suffer for it.

The next mainline entry is announced for a switch 2018 release. They’ve actually said they were most likely done with FE on 3ds

Officially focusing on Fates, Awakening and Marth’s games, despite Marth being the only character officially announced for Shadow Dragon. We can bet on Tiki, too, due to the amiibo. But that’s it.

You didn’t miss much. Revelations is by far the worst of the 3 stories.

They kinda decided on the roster before FE:H’s contest was tallied unfortunately. That was uncovered in an interview from last month I believe.

I’m still going to buy it, there are enough characters that I like that I’ll enjoy playing through it. But it’s definitely not the roster I wanted either.

Yes and no. They’ve managed to get those new fans interested in older titles, and if they were just going off of popularity, we’d have more awakening characters than Fates characters.

The royal siblings are reaaaally divise.