
I added my granddaughter, at age 16, to several cards including Nordstrom which I’ve had since ‘74. I didn’t give her any of the cards with her name on them. When she applied for a card of her own at age 18 while a full-time college student (Discover), her credit score was 815. She was approved for the card and has

Only completely wrong on the 914. It’s infinitely more desirable than the Fiero or X19. The 914 is set to slowly appreciate indefinitely. 

That is gorgeous Peter, congratulations! I was very lucky to own a ‘90 325i from new. Delphin Gray 2 door, 5 speed.

Best: Alaskan Amber

You have obviously not worked at a company where “verbage” was used frequently, both in speech and in written communications. It is maddening. 

No! Verbage does not embiggen our language. 

Thank you. The misuse and mispronunciation of verbiage is a pet peeve. Verbiage is also frequently used, wrongly, to mean “ words.” 

A 30K mile service on a Camry costs $75.00. You are not saving anything by driving a VW diesel. 

Put a Thermarest Z Seat into your large purse or backpack and you’ll never have an uncomfortable seat again. I use mine in coffee shops, restaurants and on planes, and they’re great for camping too. Available at REI and Amazon for $15.00. 

The 2020 Tundra will solve this problem and also get much better gas mileage. Toyota also needs to fix the 4Runner. 

Joel, feel-good videos and fun articles about Muslims can’t sugarcoat what the Koran actually says: heretics must be put to death.

Most Comté sold in France is aged for 180 days. It has a mild, nutty, wonderful flavor. The longer-aged Comté is much stronger in flavor and is much more expensive.

The Costco Comté is excellent French cheese. It is sold in +- one pound packages at less than $10.00 per package. They also sell wonderful Swiss Gruyère at about the same price. Neither cheese is always available, like everything at Costco. The Swiss and French gruyère taste very much alike. After all, they are both

Comté, and all gruyère cheeses, have edible rinds. 

You say that GM has substantially boosted quality and that JD Power is a respected reference. I’m certain that both statements are false. 

His hands and fingers seem to be arranged in a particular way in the photo. Are they gang signs?

Clichéd yet deserving. 

The American Airlines terminal at JFK is very nice. 

I fly into SeaTac twice a year on Alaska. Seems fine to me. The shuttle works great. 

It’s possible your charge port has lint in it. Take a toothpick or proxy brush and gently agitate inside the port. Use a vacuum to remove it. Mine had a lot packed inside.