marmol heater

lol u nerd

My God, can’t believe these fucking comments- Hulk Hogan’s victory is a mercy killing of this blog.

take your censorship elsewhere

This is something one of my students would write. This... this is not funny. I don't know, it's just dumb.

Could you do one of these on Gawker’s piece outing the CFO of Condé Nast?

Considering it’s Maryland, we should probably just be thankful they’re no longer using eight-balls.

“Happens to me all the time! I usually just have Kurt Coleman return them when he’s done.”

Well, at least it’s not the worst thing to fall out of a Bengal’s pickup truck.

i dont do parties. i spend me free time reading and learning about rape culture while you’re out being “a riot at parties.”

Wu Ke mistake.

Pay attention to the NARRATIVE!!!!!

What time this afternoon will the 2012 Commenter of the Year be announced?

Where are you now that I need you?

Why would anybody want to rob a roadside?

Kind of strange that all three of them are unnamed - is that pretty common in Tennessee?

Hopefully all the people who say blacks only eat fried chicken and watermelon will now drop those racist stereotypes, and replace them with the racist stereotypes in this article.

Fuck the Grateful Dead and everything they ever stood for or inspired.

Somewhere, a ‘STICK TO SPORTS!!1!!1!’ Deadspin commenter sits in front of a computer screen, sweating, unable to move, broken.

She's also taken a hopeful stance about her future.