marmol heater

i dont do parties. i spend me free time reading and learning about rape culture while you’re out being “a riot at parties.”

nope. sorry but you’re an awful person.

i rely on facts sorry lady.



men cant be raped

thanks, i know, pag.

im just waiting for all the facts to come out. like the fact that he raped her mouth with oral sex.

no one can possibly know how one would act following a traumatic event such as this. hell, craig, who’s to say you wouldn’t ask for seconds?

yes. due to her fragile emotional state following the attempted rape.

The attempted rape likely caused the victim to be in an emotional state that led her to jump in front of the rapist’s car. Typical lack of response by the police.

i think you’re profoundly retarded

That piece of shit got off easy. He deserves a bullet in the skull for driving a motorcycle like that. Fuck that guy.

nevermind. not even worth it.

do you know what “undisputed” facts are?

seriously... why


who is that?

Hah! A meme! Wonderful! I love memes that are good and funny and never overused.

Oh wow. More hatred for the grateful dead. What a courageous stance to take.