
Arya was like 9 in GOT, right? Sansa was about 11, I think. She describes Beric Dondarrion as being "SO OLD" at age 21, and mentions he's twice her age.

I think fire kills the wights but not the White Walkers, IIRC. So in 'The Door' they laid down a semi-circle of fire, hoping to keep out the army, but the White Walkers just marched right through it and the wights followed. But we've seen Jon kill a wight with fire back in S1.

"Years" and yet Gilly's son is still a toddler who looks about two. I noticed that too - the attention to detail has really taken a nosedive since the show overtook the books…

Fewer. Fewer soldiers for Cersei to fight. :)

It bugged me too. I am from the South of England, but went to uni up North, where the climate is colder (as in GoT). Often I would be wrapped up while my hardier Northern friends would be in t-shirts and shorts. Seems to me the same should apply here - Jon, being a hardy Northener used to snows and cold, would be

This seems to have slipped under most people's radars - am I totally behind the times, or was this a massive clue that Bran (in another of his predetermined time loopy things) is the Three Eyed Raven in all incarnations? i.e. Max von Sydow was Bran all grown up? Does everyone know this already?

Why is it that "selfie" seems to have taken the place of "photo", even in cases where it clearly doesn't apply? This woman wasn't taking a selfie, she was positioning herself (poorly) to have her photo taken by her friend. Recently, everyone seems to use the word "selfie" to mean "any photo with a person in it". I

It would be nice, wouldn't it? They're time travellers and yet they always seem to meet in the right order, when really it should be more of a River Song situation. It would be nice for her to be a pre-Saxon Master, if only to show that her 'redemption' arc doesn't last!

I went through the same gamut of emotions - I'm British. I read the Canadian guy as coming off really stand-offish and like, "Here you go, now piss off." But everyone on here is like, "Wow, did you see her face when he said she can do whatever she wants?" so I re-evaluated. I guess, to Americans, everything he did

I think 'Other Dave' killed it in this episode. I missed Elizabeth Moss' expressive face at first, but he got me there in the last moments and sealed the deal. Brilliant acting. What a guy.

I think the makers of the show were quoted somewhere as saying there's no difference between making a show that features racism and making a racist show, so they deliberately omitted the racism. I can't be bothered to looked up the exact quote though! Still, if they did say that, I don't really see their point. They

I assumed, though am probably wrong as I haven't read the book, that the religious fanaticism on which the society is based meant that existing marriages of the Gilead higher ups had to stay as is - regardless of whether they were able to conceive. After all, any second marriages were declared invalid, as we

Surely if the idea is to improve any story, then posting the first line of universally-beloved books is pointless? I'm going to try and improve awful books with Laidlaw's Rule.

The two incorrect usages of "I" rather than "me" or "my" within the first minute and a half of this episode really got to me.
"Tonight we gather to celebrate Jess and I's final weekend…"
"Nobody's allowed to ding except for Schmidt and I…"
You'd think that writers of a TV show would, y'know, be able to write.

Agreed 100%, and I was so glad I watched the revival when it came out - recently my current position (temporary) asked me with a big wink to come and interview for the new permanent position opening up soon, and very much made it seem like a done deal, but I remembered Rory and prepared like hell anyway!

I hope you found it! It's genuinely one of the best ones. I think Will.I.Am and Miriam became quite good pals afterwards; they got on brilliantly!

It makes sense to me. What's that saying about keeping your friends close and your enemies closer? She flirted with John as a way of getting to him and, by extension, Sherlock. When John ended things, she had to find a different route - she became John's therapist, and spent an evening finding out about Sherlock's

Hot damn. Now, if it isn't that, I'm going to be super pissed. That would make so much sense, and has been foreshadowed with the "It's never twins" stuff from last week. It would explain why he had a specific date written down - the 13th - last week, and a specific time this week…

Did I miss something in this episode? Reagan said something about going for a seven minute power nap, then a run. Literally 40 seconds later, she reappears into frame with running gear on, talking about how she's put a Lego in her shoe. Was that supposed to be seven minutes?

Thank you! Sometimes I feel like I'm a lone voice shouting into the void when I voice my opinions about the Matt Smith era, so it's good to know there are others out there. That period in general was definitely my least favourite. There were some great episodes, but the huge plot arcs (e.g. Melody) always bored the