
Honestly...if you’re interested in playing Destiny 2—just play Destiny 2. As someone who jumped back in when Forsaken hit, I have a fairly casual connection to the lore, and I know enough to know who the good guys are (me) and who the bad guys I need to shoot are (everyone else) and that’s kind of it. What keeps me

Obviously Russia is in the wrong here. Obviously they are invading a sovereign nation under the flimsiest of pretenses in a war of territorial/imperial aggression.

I don't understand. Does something need altering? Why would this be a job for a simple tailor?

Actually voter id is a solution without a problem as there is very little voting fraud and it wouldn’t catch the real documented fraud like Mark Meadow’s trailer park registration. Meanwhile, it’s verified that the unvaxxed can catch and spread covid more efficiently than vaxxed people.

Ironically there’s plenty of people who complain that he already ruined Star Trek by making it too much like Star Wars.

“The guy who ruined Star Wars is gonna destroy the Star Trek reboot we were in? What the.... wait, what? He’s the guy who directed the first one? Really?

Could get the quote right though right? Trudeau never said they stood with the swastika.

Well Justin Trudeau is constantly calling who disagrees with him a Nazi.

Well Justin Trudeau is constantly calling who disagrees with him a Nazi.”

Putting this here just in case...

Really? What a bunch of absolute snowflakes. This is the hill they want to die on? Getting vaccinated.

What charity? Who’s going to benefit? He cashed out some stock, made a fuck ton of money, and then ‘donated’ a portion to a charity so he could get the tax break cutting down the amount he’s on the hook for with the tax man.

Don’t insult Dr Evil.

I’m probably in the minority here but I have no desire for a new Mario Kart. 8 has been perfect so more courses is a dream to me.

spends her days drinking heavily and cursing the home robot”


BC, Sask, and Ontario IIRC.

As if we (Canucks) needed any more evidence this is astroturfed foreign rat-fucking, and not a grassroots Canadian movement at all.

Imagine if you had paid into the Star Citizen Kickstarter at 50!

How long is it going to take to be released though? I’m almost 50. I’m not getting any younger. I’ve only got 1 or 2 GTA games in my life time. If GTA6 comes out in 4 to 6 years and they also milk GTA6 for 10 more years. By the time we get GTA7 I could be well into my 70's.