
Whoa, whoa, whoa. There’s still plenty of meat on that part. Now you take this home, throw it in a pot, add some broth, a potato. Baby Yoda, you got a recurring character stew going.

I like Greef’s character, despite the fact that he’s ostensibly the bad guy for the first part of the season. He is, basically, what the Mandalorian wants to be: True Neutral, only out for himself, and willing to do what it takes in order to make money and survive. But the Mandalorian realizes, quickly, that there are

Odyssey was the first AC game to ever that I actually played more than a couple hours before losing interest. It is very good. I have meant to go back and try Origins.

I actually really disliked the AC series until I played Odyssey and Origins. I think them pivoting into a more RPG-type game brought me in in a way the first games never could for some reason.

Freedom means being willing to die desperately gasping for air so the stock market can go up another half percent. 

Backgrounds have certainly been improved, but the characters...

That’s kind of disappointing. The shift to anime-style kind of makes the characters lose... uh, character? Just generic in general. I always did like the original designs because it reminded me of Vagrant Story’s style. Oh well.

IMO, Bungie is fucking up by listening to the community. The Destiny subreddit is one of the most entitled places you can go on the Internet. EVERYTHING is an excuse to bash Bungie for not making the game each individual personally wants and there’s no way to please everyone, so everyone finds something to gripe

And compare Move Along Home, generally considered the worst episode of DS9, with TNG’s Code of Honor, Up the Long Ladder, or Shades of Grey. Move Along Home is way more watchable than any of those episodes.

That’s when the show really first hooked me. I mean, the pilot is still the best Trek pilot hands down, but Duet actually brings a few tears to my eyes during several moments. 

This list reminds me that Dukat is the unparalleled Star Trek villain. I forgot what a wild arc he has, going from mustache twirler, to freedom fighter, to betrayer of the Alpha quadrant, to tragic father, to full on psychopath, to charismatic cult leader and eventually becoming the literal embodiment of evil. He’s

Duet (Episode 19)—The past of the Cardassian Occupation comes back to haunt Kira when a Cardassian claiming to be a horrifying war criminal arrives on DS9. A rare sample in this first season of the gutwrenching highs DS9 has to offer.

This is so insane, I don’t understand the publishers problems. I’ve already bought the games, I’m not magically going to rebuy them on their own streaming services. Like the entire point of the nVidia platform is that you can only play games you’ve bought!

If you don’t get to work I might die, so please buy a Corolla.

The prequels I’ll give you, those were just boring, but RotJ? The one with the most badass space battle in the franchise? The speeder chase through the forest? The scenes between Luke, Vader and the Emperor? You’re trying to say Rise was better than all of that? I know some people have an irrational over-hatred of the

There’s a lot of waffling people can do with a full ranking of the movies, it’s all a matter of opinion and whatever, but I just can’t see how RotJ doesn’t end up in at least the top five on any list. Yeah, ewoks, yeah, secret sister, but come on now.

Jedi is great.  You are wrong 

The version we got was still better than the prequels and Return of the Jedi.

I, too, am hoping for a Corona Crisis bride