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    Prince George! Grew up there, hell hole. Most dangerous city in Canada, only 70k people.

    I agree. I never used the blade. Never.

    I agree. Also they are the same voice actor.

    Maybe, but this is just one of many examples of Apple doing such a thing. Like ditching the ethernet jack on the Macbook Pro to save a few millimeters and instead make people buy an adapter which adds even more size to me is probably the best example of this form over function.

    Do people really prefer a few millimeters to features? Whatever happened to "form follows function"? Apple seems to think "function doesn't mean anything at all we only care about form because that's what people see."

    Was he flying the F15?

    Though on the other hand Apple would love considering how far ahead they are in the whole fab game.

    I completely agree. Especially since Intel already is outsourcing some of their fab. And Intel is making a shit-tonne on their own chips so why would they fab chips for Apple which would undoubtedly earn them less money than selling their own chips when they can't keep up with their own demands.

    Damn you Valve! Damn you all to hell!

    It should be apparent now to everyone that clones of World of Warcraft, despite whatever gimmicks they add, all fail. KOTR is too close to WOW, even the new TES game is going to be too close. My bet is that Blizzard's next MMO won't even be like WOW.

    No HDMI on lower model is deal breaker.

    I don't really care.

    I'm more interested in who invented the "L" key or the comma key.

    Except the One X is a fantastic phone. And the One X+ will be even better.

    HTC doesn't only release 1 phone a year like Apple does so this doesn't really compare.

    I hope whatever Ford comes up with is better than anything shown here.

    If the girls at the microcar exhibt are really into small things I have something for them.

    I know Steam is DRM, but it doesn't effect me playing games. I asked if it had the really bad DRM not any DRM.

    Do the Steam version of Assassin's Creed come with the really bad DRM?

    Is Germany really closely associated with porn? I've never heard of that.