
Please think about using your voice to elevate women’s voices, rather than to preach at them?

I’d appreciate it if you’d take the time to read this — it’s only two paragraphs. I’m not challenging the banning, but there is something pressing.

Excellent. Co-sign.

Okay, the sheep pics made me laugh. Thank you, I appreciate it. You’re the second person to be certain the troll is is Zhandi, also the second to believe there haven’t been any/many apologies. I know I didn’t get one, not that I’d believe it if I did.


Seriously, she did that? Can you tell me the burner’s name? Recently she told someone that I didn’t like her because she’s “popular”, lololollllllol. Maybe she’s a precocious 13 year old pretending to be a retired doctor and sex addict.

Little missy has said she quit practicing medicine around age 30 and took a desk job instead. So maybe she’s not the world’s expert on nurses and medicine?

She pulls this ish in the comments all the time. Also, she practiced medicine for maybe three or four years, including internship and residency. So maybe she’s not the expert she pretends to be.

Exactly how many/how few years did you practice medicine? Haven’t you said you took an office job around age 30?

Take your reasonable attitude and get out. This thread whiners’ only.


Quit JAQing off at that other commenter’s expense. She was very clear. You sound like a jerk.

You little masochist, you.

I don’t think you know what the word “clear” means.

You've got me in stitches :)

How disappointing.

We’re off track, I think — we’re talking about two separate threads and conversations.

He admits it, yet he won’t shut up, so obviously not even he buys what he’s selling. Sqarr, Reynard, the recently disappeared Arken, Creepy Chritter and others of their gender dominate many of the conversations at Jez, sucking all the air out of room. If Sqarr cared about women as much as he claims, he’d let them have

I’ve had way too much exposure to you here on Jez. That’s the problem. I believe you believe you’re sincere, in an unexamined sort of way. And I and many others believe you and your kind — the loud, sucking-all-the-air-out-of-the-room, straight male voices — are very harmful to the women here.

Do you know which golf club?