
In the book she changed her major from history to mechanical engineering after she discovered Frank wasn’t her father. My question is - why did they change her school to Harvard? Harvard in 1968 didn’t allow women in. Not until 1977 when it merged with Radcliffe women’s college was it officially co-ed.

Really loved the show. But how exactly could Brianna be a history major at Harvard in 1968, when Harvard didn’t allow women in until 1977?

The audiobook versions (narrated by Davina Porter) are really great to listen to. Each book has it’s good and bad parts. The later books especially have some ridiculous plots.

Thank goodness they changed the fake rape scene from the book version. In the book Jamie rips Claire’s bodice exposing her breasts to all the men around, pretending he is going to rape Claire if Grey doesn’t give him the information he wants. What kind of man would humiliate his wife like that? Especially after she

On Ron Moore’s podcast he said that the actor who played Willie (Finn den Hertog) left the show. He didn’t explain what happened, but seemed a bit PO’d about it.

How about that ridiculous situation with Geneva Dunsany? She said NO and told Jamie to stop, but he “couldn’t stop”. I consider that rape.

The story of Fergus was totally changed by the TV series if you remember what happened in the book. Fergus was actually a tough kid - a child prostitute (occasionally) living in the brothel, along with being a pickpocket and thief. In the book Black Jack arrives at the brothel and selects Fergus. Madame Elise tells

I loved Fergus in this episode - especially the part where he was discussing women with Murtagh. Growing up in a brothel, I guess has taught him some important things. I do hope they give him more parts in the future.

Yeah, all the fans want a season 3, but there will have to be some serious rewriting done to get that book acceptable on the screen. The “little Chinese” Mr. Willoughby, who is terribly stereotyped. Jamie’s rape of Geneva. Ian’s rape by a woman. And all that voodoo/Pirates of the Caribbean nonsense at the end.