
Super consistent for a white, smug dude like Bill Maher to have to “see for himself” as self-appointed arbiter of what is reasonable and what is unreasonable “wokeness” to disregard all the times KW has been on the record and in his own words virulently anti-semitic. Of course, he’d need to explore that to see if it

I’m Marla Rose, *of course* I am trying to figure out if KK is trying to be humorous and poke at herself but it’s not funny or satiric HOWEVER I *do* have a box of Trader Joe’s tissues within arm’s reach. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

Thinking of guillotines for some reason.

I agree that I worry about her decision-making in this and I agree with all you said. I worry she is being exploited again but am glad her father and step-mother seem sensible, especially her step-mother. (I saw more of her in the docu-series. She’s furious about what Gypsy Rose went through.) Maybe she only can

She was severely abused and exploited for years. Not only was she away from social media, she is emotionally very young for her age as a result of the captivity and abuse she endured. I think it’s reasonable that she is going to make some public mistakes and she deserves a little grace. 

It’s sad to me that the worst thing a progressive person like Alyssa Milano (who I have no connection to in terms of fandom) should be endlessly dragged for mistakes she owned up to in the process of advocating for a better world while Shannen Doherty, a registered Republican, is unscathed, and Rose “Lizard Person”

Oh, this is definitely true. I could have written this article myself. For a while, they would dump callers on hold and play this horribly janky  “Stars and Stripes” recording worthy of a banana republic dictator and once I sat there on hold (while I worked) for two hours before I gave up. Since then, it has been the

Thank you for this thoroughly researched exposé. I do hope that readers understand that most vegans, like nearly all of us, are not greedy, snake-oil slingers but are actually deeply motivated by promoting compassionate living, justice and the desire to build a less violent, more sustainable world. I know that that

Please, please know that 99.9 percent of vegans (approximately) are good people who don’t fight on YouTube and just want to eat our cashew cheese in peace. Could you have a similar feature on the number of times some random shirtless bro shows up on my Instagram page to say, “Mmm...bacon?” ‘Cause that might be more

Why is it that whenever this kind of thing happens, those random voices issuing death threats on the Internet are immediately accepted as actual vegans and not trolls who live for this sh*t? Why do people accept that part of a stranger’s claim on face value?

By the way, death threats aren’t acceptable but if I had a