
MichaelDean of course drunk driving is the “same” as “going out and harming people” whatever the fuck that means. If you have had too much to drink and then drive your car, that’s exactly what you’re fucking doing. You’re saying loud and clear you don’t fucking care if you hurt people.

Why the actual fuck do the Blackhawks not employ a handler to keep an eye on this drunk dipshit 24/7.

from the same article... At one point during the party, while talking to Justin Timberlake, Scott wrapped his arms around Rihanna and held her in an embrace.

of course, this never helped

“Hoes are lying!” say Chicago sports fans.

Dated him for two years? So is it his ex-fiance, the mother of his child? Well, that’s horrifying if it’s true. What’s wrong with people!

I’m a centered minded person, and it’s like there’s no real center anymore. I believe in tolerance. I don’t believe you should force somebody to make you a wedding cake if they don’t want to. The way the far left is, if you don’t agree 100% with what they are saying lately, they start screaming and calling you names

I’m the only one on here who’s not afraid to say, gays constantly comparing their “persecution” to slavery is not cool. I wish she didn’t say that part. You can legally marry your partner. Stop bitching and suing vendors who don’t want to service your wedding ceremony. Some old woman in rural Indiana refusing to make