Marl Karx

Lando moved in on the defector storm trooper chick but quick at the end so at least that had a resolution

You honestly think your material reality -- having your money and healthcare -- does NOT affect your thinking?  Sure people have “sincerely different beliefs”.  Soooooo?  If neo-Nazi filth proves the truth of their conviction that changes what exactly?  Or perhaps the same rule fails to apply to you (a borderline Dem

I can answer this and hopefully disperse some of the confusion. The anti-liberal left is united on (only, perhaps) one point: that politics revolves around class. A lemma of this is that “which side are you on?” becomes the standard to determine who and what constitute “the left” to begin with. Even then, it makes for

closing corporate tax loopholes, cutting waste and abuse and making sure our money is managed better.