I knew I already heard that song before: Ouendan!!!
I knew I already heard that song before: Ouendan!!!
Corgi Time: check out the latest game by hilarious game designer (and occasional Kotaku columnist), Tim Rogers—it's called Tuffy the Corgi and the Tower of Bones. You kind of need to watch this absurd trailer.
You're doing it right.
I bought that game at midnight release and still never managed to finish the main quest.
I've worked in an industry that practices "crunching" and all it is is a sign of bad planning. It creates employee resentment and burnout. The management refuses to hire more employees or create a more realistic timeline, instead requiring employees to work incredibly long hours for ridiculous pay (or in Crytek's…
Never cared for any of their games. Regardless, sad for the devs.
It's more the fact that when asked why there wasn't a female in AC:U (set in a period where a woman was one of the biggest assassins and women in general played a large role), Ubisofts response was stupid. It boiled down to "Girls are too hard to animate so we didn't do it even though we were thinking about it."…
Bu this is a real issue. Representation is a issue that is faced by everyone that isn't a straight white man.
It was a simple enough question, I thought. "If you had been able to work with a playable woman character in Far Cry…
There's a PlayStation mural outside of E3. It features PS mainstays in boats, a parody of this George Washington…
I've known plenty of people that outright refuse to use steam. hell i was one of them up until only 3 years ago or so. the client is annoying. is it better then the rest? sure. but crap is still crap even if it stinks less then the rest around it.
I use Steam all the time. You use Steam all the time. It's our warm, safe PC gaming tree fort, the place where we…
On a May morning in Rhode Island two years ago, a reporter for the Providence Journal stood outside the doors of 38…
I thought like this for the longest time. I tried playing Skyrim as a female and when people said "she" I wouldn't know who they talked about for minutes at a time.
I self-identify as a straight male-bodied dude, but recently I've taken to playing as a female-bodied character in…
I didn't say it was new, but the average person can't see this unless they've backed the game or have spent the $60 dollars to play the beta: which is to say, most people haven't seen this.
In a world with horse armor DLC, things that game companies sell as additional content never surprises me—but it's…