
That's a good point! I guess I was thinking more about the more recent veneration of the album, post-scarcity. The article seems to treat the hype like it should be inexplicable at first, but I think that there's a pretty simple basic reason for it: that the album really is that good. But that sort of mystery would

Goin back and forth between the new Chance the Rapper and James Blake albums, both of which are awesome

The NMH "legend" is that they made a beautiful, incredibly personal album that a lot of people connected to, and that new generations continue to discover. I think this is overthinking it. People really like things that are really good, especially when they're accessible. Why is there a Beatles "legend" or a

I agree!

At some point the site instituted an editorial policy where every other Newswire consists entirely of an online video and a step-by-step explanation of that video. :(

I haven't seen all the other nominees (reeeeeallllly need to see Sicario) but I'm happy Lubezki got the Oscar again, the cinematography in The Revenant was by far the best part.

Yes! Love the Pac-man sounds

Not sure if it's particularly obscure, but "What in the World" is one of my favorite Bowie songs.

It's a dumb criticism and the people making it are trying to find some sort of moral cachet for the fact that they don't like his movies.

I love Salinger but I had a hard time with that story and "Seymour: An Introduciton"… maybe it's time to re-read them

Same! It's one of my favorite Arcade Fire songs

I liked it! I myself haven't listened to it that closely yet but I'm impressed as always by how deeply personal and evocative Patrick Stickles' lyrics are, and there are a lot of great melodies. I think the album's basic arc is clearly conveyed enough so even that if you're not totally clear on all the story details,

I feel like there's this weird phenomenon where the criticism of college students being too sensitive or coddled is being lobbied at really different groups of people. The students in this story are really socially conservative, but the "too PC" argument often gets used against a lot of socially liberal students for

I'm liking this album! It reminds me of Fucked Up in a lot of ways: most prominently the slower, heavier middle section of (S)HE SAID / (S)HE SAID sounds a lot like the similar section in Fucked Up's Year of the Pig.… (the section starts at 8:30)
Also, more superficially, the album being a

I just listened to this for the first time and man, I was already really enjoying the singles, but this album is phenomenal. "The Rest Is Noise" blew me away.

I love Beach House and I got over blindly dismissing music when I graduated high school so I'm with ya

Oh damn, I didn't even see that hahaha. I liked your original list AV Club why would you do this :(

Pairing this article title with that screengrab is the most fucked up thing the AV Club has ever done.

I liked reading this list a lot but honestly leaving out The Strokes is blowing my mind. The Strokes are THE rock band of the 2000s.