Curious as to what Ted Cruz, one of the most detestable politicians in America, is up to these days? Well, when he’s…
Curious as to what Ted Cruz, one of the most detestable politicians in America, is up to these days? Well, when he’s…
Conservatives care about getting their policy passes and enforced. Liberals care about being woke. Evangelicals put up with Trump because he pushes their agenda. Liberals cry about how Democrats arent pure enough to support.
I heard that Donald Trump gives the best blowjobs. Many people are saying this. Too bad you won’t be hearing this from the FAKE NEWS MEDIA!
A place where white progressives can come together and gripe about the shit that effects them the most, paying lip service to the things that affect people of color and LGBTQ progressives, but mostly existing in a vacuum where the most pressing needs of the country are filtered through a predominantly white…
The Hijab is a symbol of oppression and has no place in a liberal society.
Jahi McMath, the Oakland, Calif., teenager whose brain death made national news after her family refused to accept…
If they’ve already been accepted to college and have fulfilled the requirements of graduation, it doesn’t matter. I, for instance, never graduated from high school but went happily right along to college.
I mean... that all exists because people on sites like this demanded it. You forced it too far the wrong way. Deadspin writers and its commenting clan demanded punishments even without any sort of charges or prosecution. Kinda odd to now watch you bitching about that.
white people going unpunished for their egregious acts is what needs to change. Horrible consequences for all these horrible deeds, like that bitch who basically poisoned her roommate, then we’ll see if they keep doing this shit.
the fact that a number of Fusion Media Group employees have been on the receiving end of misogynist and/or racist abuse from Barstool employees and fans
Being anti-women must cover up is bad?
Obviously Twitter is another thing Deion couldn’t tackle…
So let me get this straight - privileged white bloggers are unionizing while DREAMERs are awaiting deportation and this is seen as a success?
I understand black folks wanting to love this movie, but it was trash. It’s an #AllLivesMatter commercial. T’Challa literally rallies people to his cause by saying an angry person of color who wants to fight injustice is a violent “outsider” who must be stopped. Sound familiar?
Meanwhile on Kinja deals... Buy this recliner and TV!!!!
This article should be taught in a class on how the left cares more about moral superiority than winning a war of ideas and actually enacting progresive change. The lives of undocumented people are actually worth less to the author than his own smugness.
Please white people, dont do this. You elected Trump, you’llbe fine under Trump. This is tone deaf at best, flat out racist at worst. More the latter.
A celebration of white women.
Nope white women. You do not get to question the decision of women of color.