Suckbladers Roll

Maybe he wants to learn to drive in his $200k sports car, not some $40k one you recommended.  Everyone starts somewhere at driving/racing.  So what if he starts in a car you can’t afford?

CHP was not needed for a road already closed to automobile traffic. This particular road was closed with a gate at one end and barriers at the other - A secondary traffic control unit is used on both sides of the shot keep everybody not part of the shot a safe distance from the car -and even though Kyle is the only

What insurance the owner could afford to tow it back from the beach...even 50'. You seem to miss the point. Owner counld afford to do anything really to this car. Not even a $50 local tow. Why do you assume he has insurance?

The fact that you even asked this question only proves to me that this site is in its death throws. Jalopnik is a car blog, SEMA is the epicenter of the aftermarket modification market. It is not open to the public, which would make the public’s main source for SEMA information the press. Do you have anyone at SEMA

My car has adaptive cruise control, and I use it every single day that I drive the car instead of take the motorcycle. I still pay attention to the road and what’s going on, because it’s in my best interests to do so. Sometimes I choose to override the acceleration or braking of the system because I want to be more or