Mark Towler

It was incredible. The 3D IMAX effect really made it feel like you were there. I found myself getting mildly motion sick at times. As well, the size of the screen and the darkness of the theatre REALLY pounded the reality of the enormity of space into your head. I had the arms of my chair in a deathgrip during some of

I was at a similar Bruichladdick tasting and their gin was definitely substandard. I applaud the distillery for stretching itself, but in this case they should stick to scotch.

Upvoted for the Botanivore mention. I keep a full decanter of Tanqueray for everyday G&Ts and martinis, but I usually keep another decanter dedicated to a premium gin. Lately it's been alternating between Botanivore and Terroir.

Really? Do please explain the significant differences in character between Oin, Doin and Gloin. Go on. I'll just wait right here…

First encountered the stuff when I spent 3rd grade in a British boarding school. I've never smelled anything so revolting and I had to ask my tablemates to put the jar of rotted, festering pus at the other end of the table. Even then I could barely eat. Part of me wants to declare anyone who can stomach this congealed

I see that as Joan taking one last shot before the justice system toothlessly nibbles on the kid.

Are you kidding? The whole nit with the sentry guns was a way to show just how many of those things they were dealing with! Sure they turned the place into a fortress, but there were still weak points and if the sentry guns didn't work they were going to be facing that climactic horde a lot sooner. As it is, the

Oh yes - Calvin's dad is my role model for being the best father I know how to be. I particularly love his deliberately insane descriptions of how the world works (the sunset, color photography, etc.) and desperately want to pull the same sort of lunacy with my daughter when she gets old enough. The way he drives

No, he said that there's no excuse to be a Trump supporter, not that YOU SPECIFICALLY were a Trump supporter. Lucky your name isn't Close-reader, eh?

Actually, the thing I enjoyed the most about Spidey was that he was true to the comic character and manged to explain his ethos without using the words "with great power comes great responsibility."

No, you're not wrong: the ones who don't hate gays love to vote for the ones who hate them with a passion, so it's perfectly fair to paint with a broad brush. They're either homophobes or homophobe-enablers.

No, no, you fail to understand the wit and wisdom of The Sphinx:
"When you can balance a tack hammer on your head then you can hammer your enemies with a balanced attack!"

Absolutely true. One of the best Spider-Man stories I ever read was about how he and the Human Torch would meet for a quiet chat every year around Christmas on the crown of the Statue of Liberty. The story started out with them regrouping there after their first encounter and deciding to make it an annual thing. They

And, after all of this, how does the blame land on Sherlock? I thought that was the weakest part of an otherwise good episode. Somehow the fact that Sherlock stole the phone instead of spending 5 seconds online to investigate the jerk makes him guilty of getting a detective shot? Bull - any other investigating officer

I saw this show back in 1992 when it was called Mann & Machine. Back then it had better writing, no trying-way-too-hard allusions to Blade Runner and at least kept the cop movie cliches down to one or two an episode. It also had better production values, if you can believe it. Almost Human has some decent CGI