Getting a girl drunk? SO now a Girl isn’t responsible for her own drinking? FYI having sex with a drunk girl isn’t rape.
Getting a girl drunk? SO now a Girl isn’t responsible for her own drinking? FYI having sex with a drunk girl isn’t rape.
In Fairness to Maxaluu, They just had a lobotomy
Enforce vaccines? Vaccines are not laws, they cannot be enforced
srsly tho, how do you have no counterpoints?
So you came up with a Grand total of 0 Counterpoints? and you actually consider yourself a journalist? I Could eat a bowl of alphabet soup and shit at least 1 counterpoint, come on how about a token amount of effort
until such time as someone can produce an almond teat, there will be no such thing as almond milk
He married his fucking step daughter for fucks sake , put down the koolaid
what people?
funny how you look down at the women that you claim they think they are inferior, do you not see the hypocrisy ?
what people?
problem is that's just conjecture. The fact that she was cordial to him after the alleged rape (that she didn't report) is just more evidence in his favor, while she has no evidence to support her claims
except the 2 allegations only happened after they were goaded into making the accusations by the original accuser, and one of the accusations isn't rape it's just "He was mean to me when we were dating"
What people?
why did he murder the men?
you talk like things have escalated beyond anonymous online threats, they haven't.
Surefire way to end any and all online harassment:
turn off computer
Disconnect from the internet
Go do real life