mark stolzoff

you left out this bit “Once the allegations came to light, O’Malley said Bosworth also altered Building Department’s computer records to conceal the crime further.”

you didn’t show up gray to me, fwiw 

not everyone has a car simple jack 

well this didnt age well

sorry but none of that changes how evil of a person she was 

“ I’ve got the Wizards and Hornets coming out of the East.”

On the plus side you totally nailed it in bizzaro world

that that sort of thing is even possible seems like an indictment of the whole appraisal system

unfort for you the lawyers, experts say you’re full of shit

, it’s a federal crime to compel someone to reveal their private medical information to a 3rd-party.”

It’s really not, go find the adult in charge of you and have thelp you read the HIPAA regs

karen done lost her damn mind 

I’m from california so I had no idea, my friend is from michigan though so thats how I got my “ohio education” so to speak. Really all she had to do was clue me in, then I just opened my eyes , and like once a week, there’s some bullshit. 

if its an honest mistake, how is it any different than a womans nudes being shared against her will? 

IT doesn’t matter if it happens or not in reality, they will say and believe it did in their fucked up world

That’s no more relevant than all the kids you raped. 

you should stop surrounding yourself with horrible people 

yea the claim that the Clinton Campaign started birtherism is really bad, At some point someone in her campaign forwarded a birther email and was promptly fired

yea im white, and a runner, and I’ve jogged in cargo shorts countless times