
Isn't that something I already did?


This episode has the main thing I DESPISE about Adventure Time.

Eliminating weight classes is a good idea, but hopefully they also banned wedge robots.

The one thing I have never liked about Sweet Pea is his design. He just doesn't fit in with anyone. It has this odd European aesthetic to it that doesn't meld well with the rest of the show. It does help the giant man-baby stick out more, but its always bothered me, especially in this episode with the way the coloring

This was good!


I had a feeling the Ice King was behind the cool-down…

LOL! I totally forgot about that it's a type of ant!

It was a pretty good episode to me. I loved the fact that "Dentist" is being dropped in a hole with butter and snakes, although I'm not sure how butter and snakes fix a tooth.

I really didn't get that part. It's like they were trying to make a commentary but it made zero sense.

I miss Officer Barfbaby as well.

I'm sorry, my friend, but it seems you're stuck in a pretentious critic loop.

It was okay. I really wished they put the awesome Simpsons-inspired Futurama Opening at the start of the show. The idea that little Bart Gremlins would take over suddenly in 3014 was funny, and there were some great jokes,

Wow, I really… feel out of touch.

This was a solid A-, or at least a B+ for me.

I really enjoyed this episode, and it may actually be my favorite of the season.

This episode was just better than last weeks for me on a lot of levels, but mainly because it was just on neutral ground again. Last week was a ton of "in" jokes about football that I just didn't get.

So Quips Fiance is an undead evil beast from hell, right? Like a werewolf or something? Because the fact that her Bacherollete Party was so intense that they were eating like animals, and sounded like them, as well as the deadpan response and keeping her sunglasses on… it sounds like she's a vampire or something.

It was a fun episode for me. I dug LSP just being annoyed and Marcelline doing a big "Thelma and Louise" bit with her. But that ending?