
Shut up, Meg.

I wound up loving the first half of the episode myself. I know how this is going to sound, but it felt like there was finally a large amount of testosterone thrown into the show when they had the two ancients fighting which was a pretty nice chance of pace. It was just awesome!

I honestly thought this show was just going to be a sort of "documentary" about Bashar. It sounds like the show kinda sorta is, but I'm bummed they just didn't go full-tilt with it.

This was a good episode, but it felt kinda like Wacky Deli:

Since I saw this, I decided I can never trust aglets. Friggin aglets…

I feel weird for saying this, but I actually wound up loving this episode.

I enjoyed the episode, but I have one request:

What's up with that?!

I just pray they were trolling the metal community with that line…