Mark Schroeder

Yup, if he moved the HDMI cable to a port on the TV he would have all these same functions. I guess it's just nice to not have to get the remote and change inputs. So that's the feature being sold here.

When it stops making a huge profit is when it will get cut. The game still makes way to much money for them to cut it because of staleness.

Man first the 360 has disc drive problems that eat cd's or become unable to read games and now the new One does it as well. I'm sure Microsoft will get this fixed and taken care of but I just find it funny they are having the same issue. My luck if I got a Xbox One it would of had this issue so I would end up having 2

None of these things shows that Sony gives a shit about the Vita being a gaming platform. It's all about being an accesory for the PS3/4 or the Playstation Network. Nothing here that really enhances the PS Vita in itself. DLNA support would be nice.

So they were super smart in figuring out how to make the game run at 1080p on the PS4 but to stupid to make it run at 1080p on the Xbox? Since both run on the same hardware and the Xbox is running Windows you would think the Xbone wouldn't be much of an issue to code far.

If you support free games you support communism. It's a fact.

Graphics are barely on par with the Vita. I guess that is what Apple meant by console level graphics.

Remember, PS2 is still getting game releases.

With these transcoders how many can render the video in real time with great quality? Most usually take about 10+ hours to do a 1080p video. I have not seen anyone get this kind of speed. Am I wrong?

It wont take you back to the main page if you press home? Also does anything fix the dumb video being super compressed for the first minute or so? I get that it's meant to have the video start as soon as possible but it's slightly annoying.

I think Lonely Island would be a great addition to this mix. Something as fun as some of the stuff they make will bring a nice fun vibe to the game.

Color may vary per Home Depot store. Mine uses yellow.

A touch up app that doesn't use butter? I'm in.

The cuts weren't fast enough. I saw at least 1 full continuous second of footage in that trailer and that bored me to death (TO DEATH). So tell the old man editing this video to quit his day job and let someone who knows how to edit for us youngins. Thanks.

This store owes John and Brenda a lot for saving it. So they are totally his bitch

??? Not sure what you're talking about? I didn't slam op for making the joke nor did I make a joke about the Boston terrorists. I just made a joke about his lame joke.

Well since this is the first boat you suspect obviously it can't be the boat that did it.

I'm still waiting for the Killzone that they showed at that E3. Do you know when it might be released?

Are we already in 2014? Damn 2013 really passed us by.

My biggest problem is that I'm a Steam user. I have been comfortable buying games in the clouds for years. I have upgraded my computer many of times from hardware to software (OS) I've upgraded. With every single upgrade I've always kept my catalog of games intact. I can still redownload games that I first purchased