Mark Schroeder

Also they have Mike Huckabee as a spokesman and they play ads on Fox News all the time. 

NM, why can’t I delete my comment?

Yeah this is some scam stuff that Gizmodo is pushing. The stupid 2TB of cloud storage for life was bad enough this really takes the cake.

Yeah this is some scam stuff that Gizmodo is pushing. The stupid 2TB of cloud storage for life was bad enough this

Did Geohotz at least help Elon with his self driving tech? Kind of weird how Elon hired a competitor. 

That plane is easily worth $100 million so no you don’t know what you got.

Will having a real doll in a chair 50 ft from the front door count?

Remember his claim is that he screamed declassified over every box before he left office. So there is nothing illegal here ;)

As much as I love Hunter S. Thompson and his writing but the man was a mess. An abusive, schizophrenic drug addict who “embellished” a lot of his stories. Johnny really admired Hunter.

I read a rumor that she wasn’t on the plane but it was just moved because it was cheaper to store it at the other airport. Seems like a more logical explanation vs driving 30 minutes to get on a plane to travel to a spot that would have taken a 30 minute drive to get to.

Not on the XM3,4,5 they don’t. The biggest complaint about those headphones are the garbage tier mic’s.

Why are you making news out of no news. He has no response to the matter. How is that an article?

How can you hack a car from across the globe? This is literally an old relay attack which needs one person near the owners phone and another person near the person’s car. This is a vulnerability on a lot of cars not just Tesla’s and it’s not new.

I tried using Lyft on Monday but at the screen where I’m supposed to get rates all I got was the spinning wheel. I tried multiple times and my network was good. So I had to install Uber instead and use them. Is this problem becoming common with Lyft?

I too would like to know how Layle is doing. Sup girl???

Maybe people need to stop falling in love with 19 year old kids and their lavish ideas we wouldn’t get so burned when they fail like they mostly do.

Here in the states you will most likely find a Bitcoin ATM in poorer neighborhoods at gas stations, laundry mats, convenience stores and more. They know their market.

I went to the Chicago Auto Show last week and noticed that Stellantis had just two of their cars shoved in-between some Challengers and the Grand Wagoneer. Mind you the show was a lot smaller than it normally is but Alfa typically has their own display on the floor all to themselves.  

They really don’t care about the app, they care about the news and stories they can make about the app. Either about it it’s going to be a great platform to take down Facebook and Tiktok or when it’s up they can take the stories people post on the site and make news articles from them. They don’t really care if the

Keytar? I’m sold

Yeah, why didn’t they show off the choir voice or anything else?