Mark Schroeder

Didn't the Virginia Tech shooter play very few video games? I think they even mentioned that he hadn't played video games in awhile.

How much money do you think they would make off of this if they did follow through? How many pictures do you think advertisers would buy and at what cost? The amount of money they could make is negligible. Also this would cause a lot of legal suits against said advertiser because they still would be illegally using

Google and Facebook has had clauses in it's TOS about having rights to your images for a long time. People got up in arms about it but what it came down to was that the TOS addition was to give them leeway in legal matters that they might occur by hosting your image on their server. Instagram is doing nothing

I love how people over react to TOS's. 90% of a TOS is just a way to cover their legal ass encase someone wants to sue them. It doesn't mean they intend to do anything. But with people loving to sue over anything you got to make sure you have the ability to get out of tight legal area's like this. It's pretty sad

I got a doggy tent for my sister at Home Depot for $20 (originally $40). It's a Black Friday product that they are clearencing out to and trying to get rid of. So you have to check store inventory to see if any of your local Home Depots still have any left. Mine had about 10 this past Friday.

A T3 would drop that price even more.

If you bought a $2,000+ camera for vacation photo's you're either a moron or rich enough to afford a few 3 TB hard drives. Casey your point is dumb and this whole post is dumb. Read any review about the D800 and you will see that the extra file size is not pointless. It's a whole lot sharper then any 18mp camera out

Are you mad that the Lightsabor replica's don't actually slice people in half?

Hey, that brand new Bently is only $600.

I would choose a Yongnuo YN-560 II over a gift card. It's very useful if the person doesn't have a flash and you don't have $200 to spend. Also since it's manual only it helps you learn more about your camera.

Same that is why I didn't buy it. I am not into collectors editions so I would rather save 5-10 bucks and just get the single movie by itself.

It has actually been $28 on Amazon ever since you've been able to pre-order it.

I think they might be collectible or a case of Amazon sellers messing around with something. Obviously they aren't going to sell at this price unless they get a sucker. You can find them on ebay for $40. So who knows what they are trying to do

Don't they have a full season? They are only half way through the season and the wedding is taking place before Christmas break. I am going to assume the following 11 or so episodes are going to be back and forth havoc and bliss

WRONG!! He looks like a skinny Godfrey

It's such a sure thing though. I mean it's at rock bottom so there is nowhere else to go but up right ????????????.....?????????

Yeah because those things aren't high priced. I will just invest in Facebook and see my money quadruple in a month ;)

Nope, Amazon had all the things I needed for cheaper then what Best Buy or any store was offering. Also I guess it helped that I had Prime for shipping. If I went to the store I would of most likely bought more then I needed because dirt cheap prices and a impulse buying behavior don't mix.

You know most sale ads that come out every week have items in them that are not actually on sale? Typically they add filler products into the ad so it seems like they have more on sale then they typically do. This is partially because they know most people don't comparison shop and because they like customers to know

Bad math. 3600 photo's x 13 days equals about 46,000 photos. 12 months divided by 3 camera's per year equals 4 months per camera. So he takes 44,000 over 120 days. That is 367 pictures a day. Also you could think that since he says "we" he means that there are more then 1 person and so more then one camera. So if 3