You had me at: Haggis is Swahili for “fuck no” #MegExit
1) This is ad is 5:25
And he’s also the idiot who doesn’t know that The Declaration of Independence is not The Constitution. FFS!
*raises fist at the desk*
I’m humbled to have made the list. My Mother will be super proud my tweet is in the food-related section. #InWakanda
“The more I deal with niggas, the more I like flies.” Or some such shit
I’d delete all other comments and write a thesis on how to comment based off of this reply.
The ONLY thing she didn’t do was light one up afterwards. Not that she needed to. I am a HUGE fan of her Facebook page that has this racist’s funky ass email, with address, on display as the cover photo!!
Don Lemon’s continued dragging of these fools should garner him the Petty Smug Award. I would love to see him do a show with Shepard Smith. I never thought that there would be anybody worse than Paris, but we have Omarosa—who has the same job he had.
I’m rolling at the accuracy of “I like Black Don. Don Onyx. Donyx”
As a proud graduate of an HBCU, every year, this is my favorite post. As done in years past, I’ll be posting this article on all of my social network profiles as well in all the HOWARD UNIVERSITY groups I’m a member of. Thanks again, Damon!
MY GOD. I can’t wait for this weekend. And it’s my great honor to meet a fellow Bison on The Root. HU... YOU KNOOOOOOOW!!
Howard Homecoming is this weekend. 150 years of excellence. The Yard is magical. #HBCULove
DOJ: Obviously Freddie Gray committed suicide. Period.
Christ, that’s hysterical.
Well played.