
This is very interesting...I think I'd wait a generation to let them really work the bugs out but the Panoramic Photo option sounds pretty sweet. A word on the facial recognition software...awesome idea, but I read that even at the demonstration, they didn't get it to quite wouldn't unlock for a stranger's

Oh, I would TOTALLY pay for the BTTF set, OR the Bladerunner. That would be so awesome. I love the fact that LEGO is crowdsourcing on this...seems like a great way to get a lot of different sets that we wouldn't normally see.

Personally I love 'em. He's dead on about the controls though...If I want to change the volume I have to do during a animatic or a loading screen or just find a place to hide for a minute on the battlefield so I can pull them off and adjust real quick...that's the only problem, and overall, it's a small one. Other

"Uh, sir? Mr. King? You know they SELL spare pieces, right?"

Agree completely. There's nothing quite like seeing the night sky when you're in the middle of nowhere, especially if you've spent you're whole life in the city.

Nice! I haven't used it on the iPad but absolutely LOVE the full Garageband program on my iMac.

This is such a huge loss. Steve was a true visionary unlike the world has seen since Edison and Ford. I got an iMac about 6 years ago (had only used PC up til then) and I've never once had a crash, never once had the blue screen of death, never once had a virus or a problem. LOVE that mac. He also enabled the