
necessity is the mother of invention: if you haven’t made it, you don’t need it bad enough yet.

This is a depressing example of a good idea gone very very wrong. while I love the big nuclear powerhouse Carriers, I’ma big fan of the idea fo dispersing similar capability into a collection of smaller vessels. The V-22 and the F-35, hosted from a large, flat top vessel that shares a common hull with both amphibious

Yeah and then turns around and sues the crap out of the airport for not having some procedural mechanism to prevent this.

LAX is so much worse than O’hare.

But what do I care? I get to fly out of Denver. DIA rules.

fire an editor for a disagreeable review, but continue hiring a freelancer who has consistently provided you with stories that are verifiably false.

That’s it. RS needs to die. I hope those frat boys sue them into the ground.

Good. everyone who touched this story needs to have their pants sued off.

Journalists are not attorneys, and the court of public opinion is not a judiciary body. When journalists play fast and loose with facts, they can hurt people. UVA, these young men, and least of all the many legitimate assault victims who have

Holy Motorskates, Batman!

Like fallout before the bombs

“Bro, do you even one lift?”

So it appears that your penchant for rudeness in the face of polite disagreement and was not isolated to our other exchange. Well I guess I'll have to abandon this thread as well, seeing as there's clearly nothing to be gained from wasting time discussing this with someone whose argument so swiftly degrades to

Now, I've been endlessly civil throughout this debate. In turn, you have resorted to name calling in response to my not sharing your view of the situation. I don't debate people who are incapable of reciprocating basic civility. Have the last word if you want, as I will not be wasting any more of my time with you.

I was hoping for a turbine powered series hybrid. still 115% is nothing to scoff at.

You sure you want to encapsulate the context of an argument that tightly? seems liable to backfire on you...I mean, if we're only allowed to discuss what's posted on and none of the elements of the wider argument? because then one could argue logically that we could similarly only discuss the implications as they are

I'm simply pointing out parallels. Honestly, I'm not above a little bullying if it gets the job done for the greater good. but "that's nonsense" does not exactly qualify as a reasonable refutation of my point that targeting a a market for an offense that they are far from the worst perpetrators of, while

it doesn't mean that it has to go unchecked, but it would appear that it is. Granted I don't follow Cosmo's public image so please correct me if I'm wrong, but I have not seen the outrage there.

Okay, so let's say that this and the spider woman cover and all the comic book covers are in fact sexist. We also know, Empirically, Cosmo and Maxim move more units, are read by more women and men respectivly, and per issue, features more sexist pictures. Why do they not come under fire?

I'm not saying "It's just a

Basically any time in Empire or Hope when Han is leaning on something, he's doing the exact same thing with his hips (granted, dude-hips, so your mileage may vary). you'll also notice that her hips are not crazy, the belt is worn at an angle, exactly like Han's belt.

Yes, they sexed it up a bit. Are we so prudish

it's a throwback to a similar pose Han does in Empire. Try watching the movies before getting offended.

Freaking thank you!

You know what I don't jet is all the SJWarring that goes on in nerd culture. I mean, Sci-fi has given us strong female characters like Captain Janeway and Leia, and basically any Joss Whedon Heroin ever, and yet we catch flack for this stuff while actual womens magazines, (And I'd be amazed if

But the Stig, as I recall, is Jesus.