cease to exist
cease to exist
So now you're just admitting that you care more about Donald Trump than anything else on this site, to the extent you'll spend a bunch of time copy editing something written by his lawyer, but neglect your actual copy editing duties??
But will we find out how he first heard of U2?
I was going to suggest Peter Capaldi for Flintheart Glomgold, but it looks like Keith Ferguson is taking that role.
Crash Bandicoot?
Yes, and the AV Club isn't terrible if you only look at articles written before 2013.
The story is better if you read it in Barney's voice.
Alex McLevy, Sean O'Neal, Kevin Pang, and Clayton Purdom?
This is all fine and well, but when are you going to get around to posting the fucking list of AV Undercover songs?
But I've been told time and time again that this is not normal, so who cares what would happen to a normal person?
Well of course. I'm sure they have some articles about delicious Hormel Black Label bacon ready for later.
I thought you said Manics and I was going to say that's a different band.
But the best band of the era was the Super Furry Animals.
Yeah, I'm quite the fan of Gas Panic.
No out of place Radiohead or Biz Markie covers.
I think you mean her riding mechanical horse in Career Opportunities….
To show a world better than the one we are currently living in.
Well Legendary has their own monster based shared universe in the works with Godzilla, Kong, and uhm, a bunch of ones. I'm just not really sure if the world is really begging for a new Mothra film.
What about Brett Ratner?
Spoiler Alert!