I had to stop and say WTF at the Mirth Mobile. Fucking stretch, that wasn’t overrated, it was intentionally a shitbox that accentuated the lower middle classness of the protagonists and their peers.
I had to stop and say WTF at the Mirth Mobile. Fucking stretch, that wasn’t overrated, it was intentionally a shitbox that accentuated the lower middle classness of the protagonists and their peers.
The coupe-ification of sedans for aero purposes continues! Trunks will be a thing of the past, liftbacks will be everywhere.
Total asspain, not a fan of whatever the update was.
Yeesh, the rumors of trouble at Fanatec are why I got a Moza DD setup, that was a good move.
That Bugatti has some expensive plates, if I’m not mistaken low numbered plates sell for big bucks over there.
And that Patrol is awesome, had no idea they did a SWB version. That would be worth checking for importing.
This is gambling money these days, or eff it money. For under 3k you too can enjoy the thrilling dread of driving a potential money pit waiting to happen.
Note to self, if you’re ever reincarnated and born 15 years later than you were, somehow, become a pro surfer with Olympic dreams. Because that sounds like the coolest experience on the planet. Hard to top, short of leaving the atmosphere.
The engine sits back in the car, making for a front mid-engine design
Listing is gone, BOOOOOOOOOoooooooooo
That is three trucks smooshed into one.
Kilik was seriously wounded
But the soul still burns.
It is nice to see a billionaire face some consequences for his actions.
Nowhere near enough, but at least people are actively voting with their wallets against that goon.
Wonder if that will be what takes Tesla down, tons of lawsuits from Cybachuck crashes...
I do enjoy reading about people who are unlikeable finally starting to get some consequences for their assholishness.
Those rims go way harder than I could have expected them to, those are great.
I’ve never liked the whine of high rpm high cylinder count engines as an American raised by a Dad with classic Ford heritage in his blood from the 60s on.
Wife recently got a very well equipped 2024 X3 30i and the front seats are way better than my 2014 335ix. The thing rides on pillows yet handles like a legit sporty car and has the most gizmos of anything I’ve ever driven. She is also very happy she didn’t get the next year jellybean looking thing. The 4 cylinder is…
Misha’s channel is always great, he is a true enthusiast.
CHOICE color. So good.
About half of Wyoming’s GDP is from fireworks sold to Coloradoans.