This was apex millenium advertising. Absolute peak.
This was apex millenium advertising. Absolute peak.
My Wife has an old ‘08 Torrent she got from her Grandpa and is driving it until it hits 150 or 180k miles, so I did notice a GXP on the road the other day. It made no sense, but once I looked it up I was mildly imressed they even tried.
That isn’t going to happen, they are far too rad. I’ve wanted one since I knew they existed and it is first thing on the “comes into stupid money” list.
If I added up just my input devices alone, it would be worth more than the current gen of consoles put together.
I just don’t see the point of buying a console to play a game early, I’m old and can wait.
Well, I’m not buying a console just to play it, so I can wait. Just upgraded my video card, begrudgingly.
fwip fwip fwip fwip fwip
I hadn’t factored in an aliexpress power dongle to sidestep that steep markup, that puts a decent setup at $550 right now, $600ish with a grey market dongle. Not bad!
I didn’t know they also had BMW chassis codes, with F55.
My Aunt had one and loved it, outside of maintenance costs. I love my F34 BMW.
The T300RS/GT was unobtainable around the time the T-248 came out, and it covered all the bases I needed to get in. I’m still here with it, the TH8A gated shifter, a cheapo aliexpress handbrake both mounted on an F-GT Lite from Next Level running VR. It is damn good for the price point, but the pedals do need a 3Drap…
Last single player and CoD I got was Cold War, and it was at least a cohesive single player campaign with the standard fare multiplayer. Seems like I am joining a lot of long time regulars in just sitting things out for a long time.
You can only shoot people in the face online in the same general mechanics for so long.
A manual diesel benz, excellent.
I’ve only seen it once, but the time I did it really made an impression. It is a bright red H2 that had to have had a solid 2-3+ feet of lift and tires that could only be described as “custom” in size. I’ve seen 40s and really big tires before but this thing was on tires that were clearing the roofline of cars it was…
I have nothing but respect for this entire event, always interesting stories from the competitors.
Hidden Canyon, bummer that was one of the ones I picked to check out when I took the Montero down there for its 300k mile shebang.
I really wanted to get back this summer, but an infant in the home had other plans for me. Half my FunTreks offroad guide to Moab is now useless.
Yup, N63 is not a wise pick. Along with the other red flags.
That dark blue metallic paint is absolute *chefs kiss
“We dug our own grave with the Cybertruck,” Musk said.
The problem is, in America at least, we have not punished paranoid insanity in the last decade or so, society has let dumb as shit lies parade around as truth for so long people are just immunte to reality.
It is a conundrum that can’t really be cracked, you can’t reason with people that believe Democrats have baby…
The amount of people that carry unsecured weapons within reach in cars on the daily especially in red states is absolutely just... insane, it is getting crazy how many road rage incidents are now ending up with I GREW UP WITH GRAND THEFT AUTO I CAN SHOOT AND DRIVE! The amount of confrontations is scary as the fuh,…
I believe you made a fairly reasonable purchase within means, it also helped with an article or two to help pay for it, and probably will look extremely cool to people who actually care.
If there is one thing I learned about finally getting a car that I “wanted”, I at this point no longer gave any shits about what…