
I’ve been watching these fools since the CKY and Big Brother, to see Steve-O end up as the voice of reason and sober reconciliation is really weird.
I dropped out of college to attempt to make a snowboarding version of these videos, or the origins. CKY and Big Brother skate vids where there was some personality and

A+ headline, I would have done a spit take had I been drinking.
Just the combination of the picture and “Sorry to ruin your weekend but..”

If the place is anything like the last couple times I checked, cheating is still rampant. Seems like a misguided focus. 

Looking at the sat view of the track, there are 3 corners with barriers with 2 at the end of the long straight depending on clockwise or counter clockwise format.

I was not disappointed, this was the reference I dropped in for.

That explains why every time I attempt to get into it I give up, I can barely get out of a safehouse for a few blocks before being crapped on. Repeatedly. 

Wait, Mr. Meta Jiu Jitsu is calling out Electro Hair Plug Space Man?
This reality is so poorly written that if we were paying to experience it we would all be entitled to our lives back.

That makes sense, the one time I saw one in public, it was in a handicapped space.

That is a dumpster butt

The 5 series GT is downright whack.

I haven’t seen a single ad for this movie on broadcast and cable, not one. That might be part.

*Plugs. We were making fun of his hair plugs.

The first generation rotoscoping on the 35mm theatrical trailer for Intellivision was super cool. I haven’t seen an earlier example, but I may be mistaken. 

I bought in on the hype and it is a fantastic transmission. 

For such a horrible article, the comments sure are hilarious. Good chaser.

All of the car work! Starting with a Montero and now onto a BMW. We’ve done oil pump, water pump, shocks/struts, brakes, oil, alternator, starter, oil filter housing gasket, ignition system, huh. Come to think of it, just about everything but swapping in a new radiator or a full engine/transmission rebuild.
We haven’t


That is some fantastic concept art, top shelf. A well realized world that went nowhere. 

Portal axles must be the part of that mileage dent, combined with aero, for the G Wagon.

It is up there with the edits of people binning it at public day on the Nurburgring.